Spring has finally sprung! The birds are chirping, the grass is growing and the trees are blooming. We're so happy about the warm weather that we've decided to extend our Summit FCU Spring Loan Event! Through the month of June, members can all enjoy the same low rate of 7.00% APR* for a Signature Lifestyle Loan, upon approval! Use the money for car repairs, a sunny vacation, a new guitar or whatever you have your eye on. Apply in person, online or over the phone between June 1, 2018 and June 30, 2018 to lock in your sweet springtime rate!

*Loan Payment Example: Signature Loan: $5,000 for 60 months at 7.00% Annual Percentage Rate= $99.29/month payment with a total finance charge of $957.40. 45 days until first payment due. All loans subject to normal credit approval terms and risk analysis. Some exclusions apply. All rates subject to change without notice. Not available for refinancing of current SFCU loans. New SFCU loans only. Rates apply to new money only. Contact SFCU staff for more information about applicable fees and terms.